In our knowledge-based economy, personal and organisational knowledge management systems have become extremely popular.
However, sooner or later, one question arises: how to organise that knowledge?
🍔 Buying a burger
in 🏪 Convenience shop
or 📆 Today's tasks
?Let us turn to people whose role is to solve problems (in addition to validating the executives’ decisions): consultants. They come from outside, have less information than anyone inside the company, and nevertheless can find an actionable plan in 20 minutes. It is because they know how to think. Let us, therefore, examine the consultants’ method through a hands-on exercise:
You have been hired by a telecommunications company. They are losing too many mobile plan customers. How would you find the cause? You can tell them to gather data, and what to do depending on the results, but that gathering will take time. So, you have to examine all the possibilities now.
Some options probably come to your mind:
But how do you know that have explored all the possibilities?
Mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustiveWe need to divide the exploration space methodically, such that:
Here are 5 ways to do it, from the most simple to the most complex (but powerful), with relevant examples:
Many customers are leaving our SAAS. They may still use a service (but not ours) or no service at all.
Our insurance company reports higher costs. We can examine those costs across the 0–24 year-olds, 25-64 year-olds, and 65+ year-olds.
Our income is decreasing. Since income = revenue - expenses, either the revenue decreased, or the expenses increased (the “or” is inclusive). Or for a restaurant: our revenue is decreasing. Since revenue = number of clients × average bill, we can examine both of these values.
Thefts increases in our delivery company. They may happen: in the warehouse, during the loading, during the delivery, during the unloading, or after the delivery.
The 3 C framework: if something has changed, it may be because the Company has changed, the Competition has changed, or the Customer has changed.
The deeper the segmentation, the more it requires domain-specific knowledge.
SolutionHere is the interactive solution by an ex-McKinsey consultant, who managed to find the solution (✅).
Quite an unexpected solution! When we first started listing possibilities, we jumped to the leaves of that tree, without traversing the branches. That is why we did not exhaust all the possibilities. Whereas, by this method, we can ensure a proper exploration. Each path accrues hypotheses, formalised by this tree, leading to a precise enough situation to be actionable.
MECE ontologyWhen we think, we are following a path on such a tree. It is, therefore, a way to map knowledge. Here is an example of a MECE ontology:
Finally, we apply these tags to our atomic data:
This example is derived from Comment. You can edit the titles and shuffle the notes, but the buttons will not work. Feel free to play with it!
That is how we solve the knowledge organisation problem:
🗺️ Structure of knowledge
are also tagged by Philosophy
.Let us now look at the platform built on this principle.
CommentLet us suppose I often want to see my tasks of the day. I would start by creating a note (pressing or double-tapping) with the relevant tags:
This creates the context 📅 Today's tasks
. Whenever I click on the arrow or open this note’s URL, Comment displays only the notes sharing the same tags:
📅 Today's tasks
. Only the tags which are not shared with the context are displayed.Keeping the context under sight is very important: it helps know where we are in our current thinking. Switching contexts, therefore, is very easy. Whereas in the past, when you were interrupted, you would lose a lot of time finding again your mental context, here, it is stored in the path to the current note. Therefore, we reached our goal of formalising in the interface the MECE thinking!
Finally, the icon means: “whenever I finish editing, send a notification to those subscribed to the changed notes” (the notification includes the context: why you subscribed to it). Indeed, the ease of sharing a context makes Comment a collaborative tool (hence its name: commenting is the social activity of sharing MENTal COntexts). Users can subscribe to contexts (such as a project), that is, a note and all hose tagged by it. And pinging someone is just a username
away, making it work for documents as well as instant messages. CRDTs enable real-time collaboration, multi-device synchronisation and offline work.
What helps the synchronisation is that Comment keeps the state consistent. For example, if I opened two contexts side by side, To do
and Done
, and moved a task from the former to the latter, its tag would be updated. Synchronisation is bidirectional, making creating tools like a kanban board straightforward.
A programmer can also add behaviour through a simple API. For example, an ‘inbox’ note would be populated by his emails. He may drag an email to his to-do list, and later drop a message into his colleague’s ‘inbox’ note to send it.
Intelligence augmentationAn easier interface for humans is also easier for machines. Currently, AI handles large amounts of data by breaking it down into chunks, which are then converted into embeddings (a vector of features). Thus, it only possible to find a chunk by whether it is about a subject or not. This loss of nuance creates an intelligence ceiling.
Elliot Jaques, a researcher on cognitive complexity, found that the highest intellects, able to plan on the scale of decades or more, are characterised by:
Both these characteristics are made possible by the MECE tag ontology. Comment, therefore, may be the key which will unlock our knowledge for AI.
Comment is currently in invite-only access. For the latest explorations of human-computer interfaces, I can recommend work by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Ink & Switch’s thought-provoking essays.