 Kamil’s notes
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🎈 In­tro­duc­tion

I am Kamil Szczerba, a soft­ware en­gi­neer with a pas­sion for learn­ing and the­o­ret­i­cal prob­lem-solv­ing.

I be­lieve in build­ing de­light­ful ex­pe­ri­ences.


In ad­di­tion to a com­plete mas­tery of the web en­vi­ron­ment (HTML, CSS, JS/​TS, Re­act/​Next.js, +9 years of ex­pe­ri­ence and top 5% of LinkedIn test-tak­ers), I have worked on non-triv­ial pro­jects with:

  • Java (a game en­gine)
  • OCaml (a Pro­log in­ter­preter and a min­i­mal pro­gram­ming lan­guage)
  • Python and C (al­go­rithms for re­search)
  • Pro­log (a type checker)
  • Go (an API)

I have a par­tic­u­lar fond­ness for func­tional pro­gram­ming. It al­lows me to clearly and rig­or­ously ex­press my thought, see the flow of data, and rea­son about my code.

Other tech­nolo­gies wor­thy of men­tion:

  • Post­gres and SQLite (WASM) as data­bases
  • Ca­pac­i­tor for mo­bile apps
  • Tauri for desk­top apps
  • three.js for 3D graph­ics
  • trans­form­ers.js for NLP
  • solvers like Z3/​CVC5
  • TRPC for a full-stack ar­chi­tec­ture
  • Pho­to­shop, Inkscape, and Sta­ble Dif­fu­sion for 2D graph­ics

and many more.

Se­nior-level en­gi­neer cer­tifi­cate


I have worked as an in­tern at a uni­ver­sity soft­ware lab, as an em­ployee at a dig­i­tal in­no­va­tion agency and a startup, as an oc­ca­sional con­trac­tor… The lat­est po­si­tions can be found here:



Top com­puter sci­ence stu­dent (1st/194) at Sor­bonne Uni­ver­sité, Paris, France.

Dur­ing the mas­ter’s de­gree in soft­ware en­gi­neer­ing, I fo­cused on:

  • Ad­vanced al­go­rithms
  • Ad­vanced data­base mod­els and lan­guages
  • Pro­gram­ming lan­guage de­vel­op­ment
  • Logic and knowl­edge rep­re­sen­ta­tion

Grade re­port

Other in­ter­ests

Po­lit­i­cal sci­ence and his­tory, nar­ra­tol­ogy, hu­man na­ture, ur­ban­ism, de­sign and ty­pog­ra­phy, math­e­mat­ics, Aus­trian eco­nom­ics, baroque mu­sic, Thomism.

