 Kamil’s notes
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💼 Port­folio

Here are some se­lected works.


Started as a lo­cal-first Chrome ex­ten­sion to pri­vately search one’s browser his­tory with AI. It runs com­pletely of­fline and uses nat­ural lan­guage. There is a small com­mu­nity of 25+ peo­ple on Dis­cord with whom I am it­er­at­ing. Fea­tured on the front page of Hacker News; con­tacted by es­tab­lished in­vestors.

Bit­coin dash­board

An ex­per­i­men­tal real-time dash­board mon­i­tor­ing BTC trans­ac­tions, built in two days.

Demo Source code and re­port

Poké­mon game en­gine

An ex­plo­ration of the Poké­mon games with a real physics en­gine, fea­tur­ing live re­load­ing.

Chord quiz

A cross-plat­form app to learn chords: you can con­nect a MIDI de­vice to re­ceive feed­back. Re­alised dur­ing a one-month in­tern­ship at the soft­ware lab LiP6 at Sor­bonne Uni­ver­sité.


My par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Ludum Dare game jam when I was 17, rated #28 in in­no­va­tion over thou­sands of en­tries. I made every­thing from the game con­cept to the mu­sic.


A con­tra­pun­tal com­po­si­tion of mine, based on a com­mon theme in the French Novus Ordo Mass.